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Showing posts from September, 2004
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The Nader Factor

Nader is a well-known name in American politics. Some people think of him as that pesky man who made Al Gore lose the American election in 2000. He is perceived to be a whacky, slightly eccentric character whose main concern is the environment, and whose main supporters are granola-crunching white kids with trust funds. His party is called the Green Party, which makes it sound like a pot-smoking, hippie fest in northern Oregon. He is considered to be a trouble-maker. So much so that the Nation magazine, that well-respected bastion of the liberal left, even told him not to run this time around. In other words, they told him to shut up and sit down. The worst thing you can do in America is tell people to shut up. People hate that. They really hate it. They feel it infringes upon their deepest beliefs. People cannot be told not to run for President, even in a year where the margin is so tight that a few percentage of indecisive voters taken in by a good Green speech can make all the di...