A hundred and fifty years ago, under the auspices of Abraham
Lincoln, the American government abolished slavery.
According to jyotish (this is not your average Sun Sign/newspaper horoscope, people!) astrology, a hundred and
fifty years ago, Saturn was exalted in Libra. Rahu, the force of sudden and
revolutionary change, was sitting next to Saturn. Saturn is a signifier for
government. Rahu is the force that sneaks upwards into the echelons of privilege
to disrupt and change the established order.
From November 11, 2011 to November 2, 2014, Saturn is again
exalted in Libra. And as 150 years ago, Rahu is next to Saturn from January
2013 to July 12, 2014.
What happened in these months is well known. The Snowden revelations
came to light, showing the American government was engaged in mass surveillance
of virtually the entire world. The sense of impunity that they were entitled to
spy over, and look at people’s private lives, closely approximates what happens
in a system of slavery. In the slave-owning world, the master has full rights
to the life of the slave. There is no concept of privacy, because the slave
belongs to the owner. The US government’s reaction—bafflement and incredulity
that people should protest these intrusions—is perhaps a hint to how the script
of slavery remains deeply engrained in the psyche of the American elites.
In much the same way, the American government also continued
to torture people in Guantanamo and hundreds of “Black Sites” around the world.
As with the surveillance, the sense of entitlement (the “right to torture”) is
a throwback of slavery—slave-owners had a right to torture their slaves. The
Americans, in other words, are merely repeating a cultural script with which
they are familiar, and which continues to be repeated over and over, in
different formations and manifestations.
Will the changes wrought in these 18 months shift this
script and end it for ever?
It is clear that capital is the way in which American elites
continue to practice bondage: people’s labor, time, land, resources, and
private lives are all commodities to be controlled. The dollar has reigned
supreme for almost a century—tied to the sale of oil, and to the transactions
of foreign trade as reserve currency, it has been virtually unchallenged. About
a decade ago, the Federal Reserve of
America, emboldened by this seemingly permanent state of affairs, started to
print 85 billion dollars per month to buoy up the American economy. Nobody was
looking. Nobody said: this is untenable. It didn’t appear untenable. The countries
of the world were ready to buy the Greenback, at whatever price.
The military-industrial complex, flush with success, went on
a trillion dollar spending binge. War after war followed-Iraq, Afghanistan,
Libya, Syria. It looked like a never-ending story of military might and
The only small flaw in the above story of America’s endless
rush towards the future comes from a brake provided by nature. And that is the
finite nature of natural resources. Mainly, oil. As oil starts to run out and
wind down, the American economy, deeply tied to the lifeblood of that black
gold, now has to look elsewhere to continue its vampiristic search for new
The slavery of South Asians in the oil economies of the
Gulf, and the money collected from their labor, has gone to engorge and fatten
up “Sovereign Wealth Funds”. The Europeans are more than happy to steer this
blood money in their real estate and “trophy assets” that rich sheiks are
buying up in London and Paris. But like the American economy, this investment
in brick and mortar (at the expense of human beings) has its own tragic
short-sighted flaw. Europe is sinking economically—not because its not
profiting off slavery still (it is) but precisely because of this above
mentioned reasons. Life has become easy in Europe—raw materials are sourced
with great ease from war-torn countries in Africa and the Middle East, and wine
and cheese is cheap. Why work when interest of money put in the banks, and the benefits
of slavery, are paying for all of your costs?
Debt bondage and contemporary slavery is not limited to
Nepalese, Indians and Bangladeshis entrapped in the Middle East, working for
employers for decades for no pay. It is also prevalent in America where the
mortgage system, and government approved Pyramid Schemes like the subprime
loans, legally entrap giant number of citizens of their homes and livelihoods.
What the past eighteen months has brought us is this:
- Germany asks for its gold back from the USA: The mythical Fort Knox, a powerful force on people’s imaginations, was under scrutiny. Nobody knew if its fabled reserve of gold still lay in the vaults. Germany decided to ask for its deposits back. Whether it will get it is moot. What is clear is that the Europeans sent a very clear message that the American system of deposit was no longer reliable, or trustworthy.
- The Russians pull out 500 billion in US treasuries in March: and as with Germany, the Russians sent a message to the world, in effect saying their trust in the American economy is no longer there
- The Chinese, who owned 2 trillion dollars of American debt, suddenly showed much less. About one trillion of this vanished—poof!—without a trace. What happened? Commentators tend to think there were dealings which quietly disposed of this debt in different forms and manifestations. In other words, American debt, which at one point was seen to have future value, no longer does.
- The Russians and Chinese are now trading in their own currencies. This is the start of the end of the dollar as reserve currency. Once the dollar is no longer the currency of choice in international trade, the bloated American economy is going to slim down to a more normal size
Back to the timing of astrology: on November 2, 2014,
President Obama’s Saturn enters his eighth house. It will stay there for two
and a half years. This is known as the astamashani
period. The astamashani is one of the darkest periods in Saturn’s rotation
around the twelve houses. I tend to think this is the moment when the
overheated (and illusory) stocks of Wall Street will collapse, bringing about a
readjustment in global finance. And it will definitely be the moment when the
torture report comes out. It will also be the moment when all the deep, hidden
secrets of the US government come to light, including all of its technological
developments geared towards mass torture
and control. Interestingly, many top people working in US agencies that have
suddenly come to light—NSA, DARPA, et cetera—are going through something called
sade-sati. The sade-sati is when
Saturn grinds through seven and a half years of its course of law and justice
in a person’s life-cycle. If you’ve been making merry torturing people for the
last thirty years, it is now time to pay.
As the world moves towards new forms of energy (the planting
of bio-fuels are already causing great distress in Central America, where the
US has moved to next to grab land and resources, and from where 80,000 children
flee to the US every year), new forms of slavery will manifest. So to imagine
that slavery will end from these 18th months of upheavals is
What these 18 months did, however, is show the way. Just as
150 years ago, the people in the Northern part of America had to come together
in a coalition and agree to fight for the abolition for slavery, the consensus
of different countries fighting the economic injustices of the US had to
coalesce to a point where everyone is working in co-ordination—even if they
were working alone. And that’s precisely what seems to have happened.
It appears to me that increasing number of investors aren’t
pulling out their money from the dollar economy because of any advisory BRICS put out, but because of their own native
intelligence: “Lets pull money out from Wall Street and put it in the local
stock exchange, because something tells me
our Stock Exchange is going to flourish in the next thirty years.”
Perhaps the material gains wouldn’t be as high (but on the other hand, they
could be better), but investors seem not to care. It was not the material
gains, but the many other forms of capital, and the long-terms gains that would
accrue and flourish if they invested in their own country.
This is the zeitgeist. And the
changes wrought in these 18 months cannot be undone. The clock has moved
on--there cannot be any turning back of the dial. What will emerge are new
systems of material exchange, new methods of currency and capital, and new
relationships of power. With each of the changes that happened above, a seismic
shift has taken place in the world economy, which in its own small way will
help to end the systems of contemporary slavery.
This is Manoj (we met in Madrid) have been going through your blog, did you publish your book about Nepalese in Burma or not ? I would love to buy a copy of that if it is published..!