Title: This Singer is No God of Stone
Author: Sushma Joshi (New York)
The death of Narayan Gopal, Nepal’s most beloved singer, left a void in the Nepali psyche. Deep Shrestha, with his soulful voice, lyrics that blend folk and pop, and songs filled with poetry, has been one of the few voices that have dared to fill the empty space in the popular consciousness.
Born in Dharan in 1951, Deep started to picked up music from his father, who was also a musician. His father sang with his friends, and young Deep listened to him and picked up the music as he went along. His father, unfortunately, did not live long enough to see the talent he was nurturing. "I don't know if he even knew I had this talent." Says the singer, whose father died when he was 11.
He started off by learning many instruments - the bongo, the guitar, the harmonium, all of which were self taught. "I would listen to my older brothers and that's how I learnt." He says. "Then I...
The civil wars of the twenty-first century: Sushma Joshi's slightly twisted perspective of the universe.